Revive Ranch Foundation Mission Statement
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Attributed to "Edmund Burke", including by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961.
Transform, Health, Elevate Life & Community is what Revive Ranch Foundation provides. Our mission is to transform lives to love one another to create healthy communities.
Revive Ranch Foundation is the venue destination for those seeking restoration. This transformational authentic journey helps you feel fully alive with a renewed sense of purpose. This is Life Giving!
We also help provide affordable health solutions as there are currently more than estimated 50 million+ people that are without health coverage today. We are blessed to work with many trusted partners to offer inexpensive health plans for those in need…
We Believe in the authority of Scripture and the sanctity and dignity of every human life created by God with special meaning and purpose.
II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 139:13-1